SOME OF OUR FAVORITE SAYINGS: "Ya did?!" "TTIIIMMMMMMMMYYYYYY" "Good Job" "I'm cold and the Wolves are after me" "I hate this, I'm gonna kill myself" SOME FUN STUFF WE'VE DONE: -In the 1999-2000 season, we performed on live TV for a station in St. Louis. While we were putting all of our equipment away, Evan forced Lester to sit under the truck. -Also, in the 99-00 season, at U of I Lester and Jon were locked under the charter bus and the bus driver started to move to scare them. -In the 00-01 season, in Springfield, lunch meat was thrown around and put on people as they slept on the gym floor. -On the way home from Springfield in 00-01 season, everyone decorated Kevin with junk found all over the bus, then pictures were taken. -During band camp, 00-01, the tenors, snares, and basses all had some kind of mascot. The tenors was a stuffed gorillia with tenor sticks stuck in it. The snares was a small stuffed dinasour with peircings all over it with a snare stick through the middle of it. Then, the basses, had Oswald, the cat (it was stuffed). It was the best and most loved of all the mascots. It had a bass mallet going through its stomach and was hung by a noose on the drum majors podium during band camp. Well, someone stole it (most likely the bass-line). Anyways, it was later found in a trash can and destroyed. It was later burried (god rest his soul - James). -During band camp, we had section marching competitions, and when the drumline won, we won the BEAVER!!! The next day we were supposed to give it back , but we just hid it and kept it. Everyone loved the beaver. Someone loved it soo much it ended up down their pants! But who was it???? -At the STL Dome competition, in 00-01 season, some drunk guy was telling everyone how much he liked our drumline and was dancing to our warm ups. It was really funny stuff.
Back in January, Lester, Becca, Danielle, and Alyson(sax) decided to fork Miss G and Evan's yard! It was a really funny night. There was still snow on the ground, it was cold and raining. We went out to CVS bought a bunch of plastic silver ware and forked, spooned, and knived their yard. Miss G still claims reveange on all of us. Here are a few pics from that night. 
This is all of us buying the plastic silverware at CVS. 
This is all of us getting ready to do the forking. 
This is Lester, in their yard, forking. 
It's us, making the escape.. |